
Sermon Note Booklet – 52 page

Original price was: R250,00.Current price is: R199,95.


This space is designed to help you engage deeply with the messages you hear and reflect on their impact in your life. Each section serves a unique purpose:


Here, you will record the key scriptures shared during the sermon.

This helps internalize God’s Word and recall it in times of need.

Key Points:

In this section, you will jot down insights, thoughts, and questions that arise during the sermon. This allows you to capture the essence of the message and how it resonates with your journey.


Reflecting on how to apply the sermon to your life is crucial. In this area, you will think through practical steps you can take to live out the message, ensuring that your faith is active and impactful.


Finally, this space is dedicated to prayer. You will write down prayers for guidance, strength, and wisdom as you seek to incorporate the teachings into your daily life. It’s a reminder to continually seek God’s presence in your actions and decisions.

May this notebook serve as a tool for your growth, reflection, and a deeper connection with God’s Word!


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Sermon Note Booklet – 52 page
Original price was: R250,00.Current price is: R199,95.
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